The product that Secure Shore offers is a very attractive option for every business, which decides to lease physical and digital space in this colocation center instead of building, operating, maintaining and updating one.
Relying on an expert for such a specialistic section of your business makes a lot of sense, even more, if it is located in a protected and safe strategic location.
Choosing Secure Shore services means a lot more than outsourcing connectivity, redundancy and capacity for your data needs.
Being inside a purpose-built Disaster Recovery Facility structure means also complete physical protection to any adversity and possible event that can be challenging the integrity and accessibility of your valuable information.
The services offered at Secure Shore go from renting space with complete infrastructures to customers that use its own server and equipment to a large variety of virtual storage services.
Secure Shore guarantees high-speed and high-bandwidth Internet by using multiple connections to different providers. Downtimes occurrences are therefore reduced to minimum.
At Secure Shore instead of receiving internet from one carrier only our clients get the best that every carrier can offer making the connectivity and latency management more efficiently than in normal business set ups.
The same redundancy aproach has beeen given to to the power supply to maintain operating equipment and cooling installations always running in perfect conditions.
Particular emphasis has been given to the design and of both CRAC (computer Room Air Conditioning) and CRAH (Computer Room Air Handling).
Secure Shore helps to reduce operational costs while providing perfect set up difficult to acheive individually for its customers.
The services offered are the perfect solutions for needs of organizations that have regulatory requirements to store and produce data for a number of years, such as banks, financial services and other organizations.